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Florida Virtual Lunch & Learn: Connecting & Supporting Families

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Date & Time

June 25, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT

WHO: Anyone interested in supporting the development of recovery community organizations is welcome to join! Registration is required.

WHAT: A brief informational presentation followed by updates and discussion regarding the development of recovery community organizations in Florida.

WHERE: This is a virtual Lunch and Learning Community that can be joined by following the links next to each date to register. If possible, please plan to join via your computer, tablet, or app on your phone a few minutes ahead of time.

TIME: 12:00pm EST

WHEN: The fourth Friday at noon, except for the months of May, September, November, and December:

Connecting and Supporting Families
June 25, 2021

Presenter Information

Gretchen Burns Bergman
Executive Director and Co-Founder of A New PATH

Subject Matter Expertise: 
Reduction of Stigma Through Education & Compassionate Support
Treatment vs. Incarceration

Presenter Bio