2023 Annual Report

A Message from the CEO

WPD04212 Patty McCarthy

Patty McCarthy

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

We are proud to share the transformative work Faces & Voices of Recovery did in 2023.

Our dedicated board, staff, and Alliance members worked hard to advance our mission. From spearheading advocacy initiatives to featuring voices of recovery with our podcast series Recovery Stories Have Power, we have focused on ways we can make positive change.

Recovery Data PlatformTM, our innovative data capture technology, broadened its reach and made recovery community resources even more accessible with a new user-friendly app. (RecoveryNet is currently in beta testing and will be widely available later in 2024.)

Through strategic alliances and partnerships, we led peer recovery-focused events and made educational opportunities available to thousands of individuals eager to do more in their communities across the nation.

We also remained committed to making diversity, equity, and inclusivity a foundational piece of our organization’s ethos. We continue to be teachable and intentional in how we show up for DEI, acknowledging that there will always be chances to learn and grow.

Responding to a request for higher inclusivity of diverse recovery-focused organizations, the Alliance for Recovery-Centered Organizations, formerly known as the Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO), was launched.

Faces & Voices also created a first-of-its-kind national RCO certification. This new certification, along with our Council on Accreditation of Peer Recovery Support Services (CAPRSS), cements our already-high standards for peer support service delivery.

We are thrilled to see our membership grow as we adapt to the changing landscape of recovery advocacy and peer support services.

Looking ahead, we renew our commitment to promoting hope, healing, and health in the recovery community.

Thank you for your continued support.


Patty Signature

Who we are

Faces & Voices of Recovery staff on capitol steps.

About Us

Through collective efforts in recovery advocacy, community support, and education, we promote the right of every individual and family to recover from substance use disorder, while demonstrating the value and impact of long-term recovery.

Faces & Voices of Recovery is dedicated to advancing peer support services and recovery efforts everywhere. From Recovery Capital Popups and technical assistance to national conferences and educational campaigns, we keep ourselves moving toward progress.

➤  Fun Fact

Founded in 2001, Faces & Voices of Recovery has become an integral part of the recovery movement and its future. Read the full history of the organization.

Board of Directors

David Mineta

Board Chairperson
San Jose, CA

"It’s an honor to serve on the Faces and Voices Board of Directors because Faces & Voices is one of the most noble endeavors - to support an individual in recovery, to support a community and nation to be recovery ready.

Faces and Voices of Recovery continues vital work supporting recovery across America. This fiscal year was no different. We accomplished so much supporting recovery community organizations and recovery policies thru our advocacy and partnerships."

David Mineta

Lawrence Medina

Board Chairperson
Taos, NM

Philander Moore

Board Secretary
Austin, TX

Matt Boggs

Board Treasurer
Pinellas Park, FL

Elizabeth Edwards

Board Vice-Chairperson
Benecia, CA

Kevin Hyer, Esq.

Philadelphia, PA

Colin Cash

Vineland, MN

Evan Done

Salt Lake City, UT

Jeremiah Gardner

Plymouth, MN

Dr. Haner Hernandez

Springfield, MA

Laurie Johnson-Wade

New Kensington, PA

Ruby Takushi

Seattle, WA

Shelly Weizman, JD

Washington, DC


Presenters at the Recovery Leadership Summit and America Honor's Recovery Gala & Dinner in Washington, D.C.

Education Engagement

In 2023, we hosted 6 Recovery Capital Pop-Up events to connect communities and discuss health policies.

Policy Impact

Regulatory Influence:

  • We shaped 6 key regulations, including:
    • Protecting patient privacy (42 CFR Part 2).
    • Ensuring Medicaid and CHIP comply with mental health parity.

Legislative Advocacy:

  • We contributed to 20 bills, influencing:
    • Removal of the drug felony ban from SNAP/TANF benefits.
    • Support for the Second Chance Act and the Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act (MOTAA).
    • Endorsement of acts like TREATS, CARE, and other supportive policies.

Public Voice

Major Communications

  • Authored 8 significant public messages.

Harm Reduction Strategy

  • Contributed to SAMHSA’s harm reduction framework, integrating ONDCP's first-year recommendations.

Peer Recovery Standards

  • Advocated for national standards for Peer Recovery Support Certifications through SAMHSA.

Press Release

  • Issued a press release warning against cuts to crucial health services if funding reverts to FY 22 levels.

National Rally for Recovery, Oklahoma City, OK

Community Impact

  • Facilitated
  • Co-hosted
  • Spoke Transparently
  • Supported

Community Outreach

  • We facilitated September's Recovery Month Luncheon.
  • We co-hosted the Walk for Recovery in Washington, D.C. with SAMHSA.
  • We spoke transparently about mental health and substance use disorders.
  • We supported actionable change toward a more effective and empathetic healthcare system.

➤ Keegan Wicks presenting during a Recovery Capital Popup event.

Recovery Capital Popups

Faces & Voices of Recovery partnered with Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs) across the nation to host a series of Recovery Capital Popups.


In 2023, we partnered with 6 Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs) to host a series of Recovery Capital Pop-Up event, giving communities the chance to connect and discuss health policies.

By the Numbers:

Location Attendee
West Palm Beach 25
Volusia County 35
Panama City 11
Tallahassee 7
Orlando 12

"I really appreciate Faces & Voices and the amazing work you do, and the leaps and bounds we've seen when it comes to the discussion of peer support and the need for preventative measures when it comes to substance use. Please keep fighting with Faces & Voices of Recovery."

Donald Whitehead
National Coalition for the Homeless, 2023 Recovery Month Kick-off Luncheon


➤ Stock photography on Adobe Stock



By the Numbers:

  • $2m+ across 5 renewed contracts
  • $1m+ across 6 new contracts
  • $3m+ in contract revenue

➤  Fun Fact

When Faces & Voices won its first contract with the State of Florida in 2018, there were only 5 Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs) across the entire state. As a direct result of the grassroots organizing, training, and resources we’ve provided since that time, Florida now has 38 RCOs.

Signature Events

➤ Tyler Brandon and Lori Mellinger greeting participant of the National Rally for Recovery.

National Rally for Recovery


By the Numbers:

data or more text needed

➤ Group picture of Faces & Voices staff and Recovery Leadership Summit Attendees on the steps of of capital.

Recovery Leadership Summit (RLS)

This event celebrates an important recovery advocacy milestone. Faces & Voices is honored to carry the innovative spirit of the 2001 St. Paul Summit forward more than 20 years later.

Who attends RLS?

Recovery Leadership Summit attendees come from all across the nation. They represent advocacy groups, recovery community organizations, recovery housing, high school and collegiate recovery programs, universities, State and Federal government, prevention organizations, national alliances, the healthcare industry, and mental health and substance use treatment agencies.

Annual Attendance:

Year Attendee
2023 427
2022 344
2021* 322
2020* 306
2019 217


➤ Attendees networking during RLS and the America Honers Recovery Gala & Dinner.

America Honors Recovery (AHR) Gala & Dinner

This dinner honors change-makers and leaders in addiction recovery from all over the country for their trailblazing efforts.

Attendees by the Numbers:

Year Attendee
2023 427
2022 344
2021* 322
2020* 306
2019 217


➤ Luncheon participant enjoying a meal and presentations.

Recovery Month Kick-off Luncheon

This luncheon launches Recovery Month and is held to honor the strides and progress the recovery community has made. It is typically followed immediately by SAMHSA's Walk for Recovery.

By the Numbers:

Year Attendees
2013 #

➤ Stock photography on Adobe Stock

International Recovery Day

International Recovery Day, held during Recovery Month, is a powerful reminder that overcoming addiction is possible.

On International Recovery Day, the last day of Recovery Month, a virtual fireworks display serves as a hopeful reminder that overcoming addiction is possible. Communities are encouraged to light local structures in purple in a show of collective support for addiction recovery.


➤ Stock photography on Adobe Stock

Financial Snapshot

Revenue $4.1M
Expenses $4.2M

2015-2023 Operating Revenue by the Numbers:

Year Revenue
2015 $396K
2016 $443K
2017 $716K
2018 $754K
2019 $1.5M
2020 $1.5M
2021 $2.2M
2022 $4M
2023 $4.1M

Information Technology

RDP Impact

The Recovery Data Platform (RDP) is the key to unlocking the transformative power of data in recovery, empowering organizations and professionals to make informed decisions, showcase their impact, and drive positive change in the lives of individuals on the path to recovery.

RDP analyzes data to identify specific vital signs and hallmarks of systemic recovery on local, regional, and national scales. The platform's reports provide valuable insight and analytics required for funding and growth.

By the Numbers:

Support requests completed 1,933
Demonstrations provided 124
New organizations added 28
Recovery Data Platform active users 1,141


2020 2021 2022 2023
Recovery capital assessments completed by year 825 2,694 5,540 8,845
Participants created by year 20,081 2,694 5,470 8,845
Recovery coaching engagement sessions by year 67,731 69,099 81,351 112,767

➤ Screen mock-up of RecoveryNet's events section platform. RecoveryNet is being made possible in collaboration with our funder, The Elevance Health Foundation.

RecoveryNet App

The RecoveryNet app was developed to connect, learn, and grow with the peer workforce across the nation

  • RecoveryNet app has started Beta testing
  • Expected release date/year is late 2024/2025

The RecoveryNet app was developed to help the peer workforce connect, learn, and grow nationwide.

Ultimately, RecoveryNet will integrate with Recovery Data Platform (RDP), creating a one-stop-shop for PRSS to log participant interactions seamlessly and track outcomes.

RecoveryNet will also allow PRSS programs to support their Peer Specialists through regular assessments like the BARC-10.

The app is currently in beta and we expect it to launch fully in 2025.

Justice, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (J-DEI)

➤ Dr. Dietra Hawkins speaks during the 2023 Equity Dinner of the Recovery Leadership Summit in Washington, DC.

J-DEI Impact

Faces & Voices actively increased J-DEI practices in its work. We have partnered with BothAnd Partners to increase our J-DEI Impact and growth.

As a company, we:

  • Recruited new board members to focus on J-DEI.
  • Created a standard process for orientation and onboarding.
  • Developed interview questions to address J-DEI and recovery for new staff.
  • Provided opportunities for all staff to train in the six-part series on Foundations of Racial Equity.
  • Made the J-DEI Task Group an official J-DEI Board Committee with co-chairs.
  • Started a bi-annual board and staff meeting series.
  • Completed an Organizational Culture Assessment Process with staff and board members.
  • Conducted 12 monthly internal J-DEI trainings facilitated by BothAnd Partners.
  • Partnered with BothAnd Partners to provide racial equity facilitation training for over 30 staff, board members, and external stakeholders.
  • Sold out the Equity Dinner event.


Recovery Stories Have Power Podcast

The first 6 episodes garnered 3 times the engagement of previous podcast efforts.

Recovery Stories Have Power Podcast

The Recovery Stories Have Power podcast, hosted and produced by Oliver Books, features authentic, down-to-earth conversations with recovery experts, advocates, and allies.

Social Media Growth


By the numbers:

Platform 1-Jan-23 31-Dec-23 Percent Change
Total 52,994 58,203 9.829414651
LinkedIn 1,951 3,584 83.70066632
Facebook 28,854 33,389 15.71705829
Instagram 9,258 8,343 -9.883344135
Twitter 12,931 12,887 -0.340267574

Trainings & Programs

ARCO Impact

Faces & Voices of Recovery made a pivotal change in transforming its membership program from the Association of Recovery Community Organizations into the Alliance for Recovery-Centered Organizations. ARCO’s reach and impact has expanded, broadened, and become more inclusive.

By the Numbers:

Membership applications received 55
New members, including 3 culturally-specific members focused on LGBTQIA2S+ 22
Recovery leadership support group meetings 30+
All-member calls 12
Total Members at end of year 205
Virtual Learning Community Webinar Attendees 207
Organizations in the Pipeline 75
Total Organizations Accredited or Reaccredited 26
New Organizations in the Pipeline 9
Total States Represented 24


The Council on Accreditation of Peer Recovery Support Services (CAPRSS) is the only accrediting body in the US specifically for recovery community organizations (RCOs) and other programs offering addiction peer recovery support services (PRSS).

By the Numbers:

States with CAPRSS accreditation 24
Total organizations accredited or reaccredited 26
Virtual Learning Community (VLC) webinar attendees 207
Organizations working toward accreditation 75
New organizations in the pipeline 9

NRI Impact

The National Recovery Institute is Faces & Voices of Recovery’s flagship program, offering trainings, technical assistance, professional development, and more.

By the Numbers:

Total trainings 152
Total attendance 5,228
Total individuals trained in signature programs: 487
Largest motivational interviewing training attendance 163
Largest compassion fatigue training attendance 173
Largest stigma reduction training attendance 172
Average training rating for 5,000+ attendees 4.9/5
Compassion Fatigue 173
ORN Stigma Reduction Rr. Our Stories Have Power 172
Motivational Interviewing 163