August Monthly Policy Update

As we continue along the appropriations process for Fiscal Year 2025, we finally have good news to share from the Senate Labor/Health and Human Services bill and report. It’s not…

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July Monthly Policy Update

Overseeing the annual appropriations process is perhaps the most important role that Congress plays. In determining the level of funding for thousands of government programs, appropriators in essence establish the…

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June Monthly Policy Update

Last month, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on the issue of fentanyl and the role it plays in overdose deaths. Senators were in agreement that the expansion of…

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May Monthly Policy Update

On May 23, 2024, one of Faces & Voices of Recovery’s Alliance for Recovery Centered Organizations (ARCO) members had the privilege of testifying before Congress. Anthony Vezina, Executive Director of…

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March Monthly Policy Update

  Six months past its due date – but better late than never, right? – Congress finally completed its work on appropriations for Fiscal Year 2024. The agreement’s celebration was…

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February Monthly Policy Update

In recent weeks, we have witnessed the culmination of long-fought advocacy efforts on behalf of the recovery community. While we didn’t get everything on our wish list, there is some progress to…

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