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Virtual Learning Community: Board Development

TIME: 3pm-4pm EST/ 2pm-3pm CST /1pm - 2pm MST/ 12pm-1pm PST This free virtual learning community session will provide an overview and discussion of the topic of board development. Developing a strong board of directors to provide strategic direction of the RCO as a non-profit organization is one major key to success. The format includes a brief presentation as well as…

Virtual Learning Community: Organizational Wellness

TIME: 4pm-5pm EST, 3pm-4pm CST / 2pm-3pm MST/ 1pm-2pm PST  This free virtual learning community session will provide an overview and discussion of the topic of organizational wellness.  What comprises a healthy organization? An organization filled with leaders, staff, and volunteers who are engaged, satisfied, productive, and effective. The format includes a brief presentation as…

Recovery Leadership Forum

TIME: 12pm-6pm EST / 11am-5pm CST/ 10am - 4pm MST/ 9am-3pm PST Includes 1 hour lunch and 30 minute break Faces & Voices of Recovery invites you to a FREE virtual training sponsored by the Opioid Response Network. This Leadership Forum is a 13-hour training that will examine how and why shifts happen in the addiction…

Virtual Learning Community: Organizational Wellness

TIME: 2pm-3pm EST/ 1pm-2pm CST / 12pm-1pm MST/ 11am-12pm PST  This free virtual learning community session will provide an overview and discussion of the topic of organizational wellness.  What comprises a healthy organization? An organization filled with leaders, staff, and volunteers who are engaged, satisfied, productive, and effective. The format includes a brief presentation as…

Recovery Ambassador Training

TIME: 11am-5pm EST /10am-4pm CST / 9am- 3pm MST/ 8am-2pm PST *Includes 1 hour lunch and 30 minute break Faces & Voices of Recovery invites you to a FREE virtual training sponsored by the Opioid Response Network.  The Recovery Ambassador Program is a training that prepares individuals to advance public understanding and appropriate responses to…

What Does the Future Hold for the Recovery Community?

Zoom Meeting Room

FREE Webinar Monday, August 30, 2-3 pm EST Featured Panelists: Christina Love, Dharma Mirza, and Meghan Hetfield   Christina Love, Advocacy Initiative Specialist, Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault (ANDVSA)             Dharma Mirza Equity & Justice Fellow at ARHE & Oregon Measure 110 Oversight & Accountability Council Member…

Recovery Leadership Forum

TIME: 11am-5pm EST /10am-4pm CST /9am -3pm MST / 8am - 2pm PST *Includes 1 hour lunch and 30 minute break Faces & Voices of Recovery invites you to a FREE virtual training sponsored by the Opioid Response Network. This Leadership Forum is a training that will examine how and why shifts happen in the addiction…

Virtual Learning Community: RCO Best Practices

This free virtual learning community session will provide an overview and discussion of the topic of RCO Best Practices. To ensure fidelity to the recovery community organization model, Faces & Voices of Recovery, RCOs across the nation, and related stakeholders have identified 10 best practices for recovery community organizations. The format includes a brief presentation as well as Q…

Monthly ARCO All-member Meeting

Connect and discuss pressing issues with other ARCO members | Policy updates provided monthly | Special topics presented by ARCO members and other guests

Virtual Equity Dinner

DEI Zoom Room

Please join us on October 5, 2021, from 6pm-8pm CDT Are you having a hard time finding a place where you can have an honest conversation about race and racism? We have a place at the table for you! To honor our 20th Anniversary Summit, Faces & Voices of Recovery is hosting a Summit Dinner…