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Event Category: Illinois Peer Support Series

[IL ONLY] Building Recovery Capital – Recovery Ready Webinar Series

Zoom Meeting Room

Dive into the core of recovery with our 1-hour webinar as we explore the breadth and depth of internal and external resources crucial for initiating and sustaining recovery. Gain insights and strategies to enhance your recovery capital, equipping you and your community with the tools needed for a resilient and sustainable journey toward recovery.

[IL ONLY] Recovery-Friendly Workplaces – Recovery Ready Webinar Series

Zoom Meeting Room

Explore strategies and insights on creating environments that support recovery from substance use and/or mental health challenges, promoting resilience and productivity. Gain valuable knowledge on building a workplace culture that prioritizes employee wellness and champions recovery.

[IL ONLY] Policy Barriers and Solutions – Recovery Ready Webinar Series

Zoom Meeting Room

Immerse yourself in this 1-hour webinar where we dissect challenges and provide actionable strategies for overcoming obstacles in policy implementation. Explore effective solutions to navigate complexities and drive positive change in your organizational policies.

[IL Only] Virtual Community Listening Session Forum

Zoom Meeting Room

The purpose of this Listening Session series is to provide a space for the recovery community in the state of Illinois to discuss how best to provide services to people with substance use disorders, mental health challenges, and other issues associated to the recovery community in a holistic, inclusive manner. For this first session, we…

[IL Only] Virtual Recovery Community Asset Mapping (2 Hour Training)

Zoom Meeting Room

This webinar will explore the use of community asset mapping as a strengths-based approach to identifying the human, material, entrepreneurial and other resources in the community that support a life in recovery for everyone. Participants will learn how to tap into underutilized resources and bring people together for a common cause. This interconnectedness begins on…