Grant Writing & Fundraising [For IL Only]
For IL Only (CT)- This training is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to write successful grant proposals and engage in effective fundraising strategies. Through interactive sessions, participants will learn how to identify potential funders, develop strong proposals, and build relationships with state & local donors. Attendees will have a solid…
Virtual Learning Community 3 [TEXAS ONLY] – Ethical Recovery Support Guidelines
This Virtual Learning Community Webinar is designed to create space for networking and resource exchange on key issues impacting the peer recovery workforce. The topic for this webinar is Ethical Recovery Support Guidelines.
Free Virtual Learning Community: Advancing Harm Reduction Principles
Zoom Meeting RoomTopic: Advancing Harm Reduction Principles Date/Time: May 9, 2023 from 2:00pm – 3:00pm EST/1:00pm – 2:00pm CST/11:00am – 12:00pm PST Presenter: Austin Wright Description: In this training, participants will gain an understanding of common-sense practices on how to better serve under-acknowledged populations, learn how to apply the principles of harm reduction to your work with peers & educate community…
Monthly ARCO All-member Meeting
Connect and discuss pressing issues with other ARCO members | Policy updates provided monthly | Special topics presented by ARCO members and other guests
Free Virtual Learning Community: Advancing Harm Reduction Principles-Spanish
Zoom Meeting RoomTema: Promoción de los Principios de Reducción de Daños Fecha/Hora: 11 de mayo de 2023 2pm - 3pm ET Presentador: TBD Descripción: En esta capacitación, los participantes obtendrán una comprensión de las prácticas de sentido común sobre cómo servir mejor a las poblaciones desatendidas, aprenderán cómo aplicar los principios de reducción de daños a su…
Trauma Informed Recovery Oriented Systems of Care
Zoom Meeting RoomTo best serve the recovery community, people who use drugs, and those with a substance use disorder it is important that professionals are armed with tools and techniques to make the greatest impact when assisting others on their chosen path to wellness. This session will include modules on eliminating stigma through language, understanding multiple pathways…
Free Virtual Learning Community: Exploring Pathways to Recovery
Zoom Meeting RoomTopic: Exploring Pathways To Recovery Date/Time: May 16, 2023 from 2:00pm – 3:00pm EST/1:00pm – 2:00pm CST/11:00am – 12:00pm PST Presenter: TBD Description: Recovery and healing are not One Size Fits All. This virtual workshop will explore the abundance of pathways people find towards recovery. This training aims to change perspectives and help participants learn about…
Our Stories Have Power: Recovery Messaging
Zoom Meeting RoomFaces & Voices of Recovery is proud to host this FREE virtual training sponsored by the Opioid Response Network. Our Stories Have Power: Recovery Messaging is a training that promotes the use of groundbreaking messaging to advance the field of recovery. There is no more potent weapon against stigma than the thousands of people that…
Accreditation Academy 2 [IN PERSON TEXAS ONLY] – El Paso, TX
Accreditation Academy is a two-day in-person training that enables participants to identify national standards and elements of performance to better assist in program and RCO development, describe key practices to meet national standards for peer recovery support service (PRSS) delivery, assess their own organization’s adherence to national standards for PRSS delivery, and identify next steps…
Re-Entry Support
Zoom Meeting RoomThe intersectionality between substance and alcohol use disorders and incarceration and/or the criminal legal system is well documented. This training will reinforce ideas and strategies to support peers in and coming out of incarceration, as well as highlight some unique barriers to re-entry.