Resource Library

Expired: SAMHSA Grant Announcement

The deadline for this announcement has passed.

SAMHSA just released a grant announcement for Emergency Grants to Address Mental and Substance Use Disorders During COVID-19.  Although only States, Territories and Tribal Communities are eligible applicants, they must clearly define the direct services they will provide with the money, and should include funding for RCOs in their proposals.

One of the five options for them to select from is:

“Provide recovery support services (e.g., linkages to nutrition/food services (funds may not be used to actually purchase food/meals), individual support services (individual contact/check in by peer support personnel, faith-based groups, etc), childcare, vocational, educational, linkages to housing services, and transportation services) which will improve access to, and retention in services. Grantees must ensure the ability to provide these services virtually where needed. (Note: Grant funds may be used to purchase such services from another provider.)”

Please contact your SSA’s office as soon as possible to advocate for funding contracts to go to your RCOs.  Each state will receive up to $2 million to be used over 16 months.

The deadline for applications is April 10th!!

We encourage you to act now, TODAY, to call your contacts at your SSA’s office.

This is the fastest way to get financial support for RCOs to address the COVID-19 pandemic for the people you serve.

If you need help finding the contact person in your state, please call us at (202) 737-0690.
