CAPRSS Virtual Learning Community
Zoom Meeting RoomCAPRSS’s virtual learning community is a place for people involved in Peer Recovery Support Services (PRSS) to learn about topics related to the CAPRSS standards. The Learning Community is the…
CAPRSS Virtual Learning Community
Zoom Meeting RoomCAPRSS’s virtual learning community is a place for people involved in Peer Recovery Support Services (PRSS) to learn about topics related to the CAPRSS standards. The Learning Community is the…
Optimizing Street Outreach for Impact [For IL Only]
For IL Only (CT) - Participants will gain an understanding of common-sense practices on how to better serve underacknowledged populations, learn how to apply the principles of harm reduction to…
Virtual Learning Community 4 [TEXAS ONLY] – Creating a Thriving Organization
Zoom Meeting RoomThis Virtual Learning Community Webinar is designed to create space for networking and resource exchange on key issues impacting the peer recovery workforce. The topic for this webinar is Creating…
Free Virtual Learning Community: Guiding Principles of Recovery-English
Zoom Meeting RoomTopic: Guiding Principles of Recovery Date/Time: May 23, 2023 from 2:00pm – 3:00pm EST/1:00pm – 2:00pm CST/11:00am – 12:00pm PST Presenter: TBD Description: This webinar will explore definitions of recovery and the 10 guiding…
Free Virtual Learning Community: Guiding Principles of Recovery-Spanish
Zoom Meeting RoomTema: Principios Rectores de la Recuperación Fecha/Hora: 25 de mayo de 2023 de 2pm--3pm ET Presentador: Dr.Pierluigi Mancini Descripción: este seminario web explorará las definiciones de recuperación y los 10…
Free Virtual Recovery Oriented Systems of Care – English
Zoom Meeting RoomTopic: The Importance of Lived Experience in a ROSC Date/Time: May 30, 2023, from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST/1:00 p. m. - 2:00 p. m. CST/11:00 a. m. - 12:00…
Community Asset Mapping [For IL Only]
For IL Only: Explore the use of community asset mapping as a strengths-based approach to identifying the human, material, entrepreneurial and other resources in the community that supports a life…
Strengthening Community Relations and Lessening Stigma
Zoom Meeting RoomJoin our Virtual Learning Community (VLC) to learn how to improve community relations and reduce stigma surrounding drug use. This informative session is designed to empower recovery community organizations who want to…
Monthly ARCO All-member Meeting
Connect and discuss pressing issues with other ARCO members | Policy updates provided monthly | Special topics presented by ARCO members and other guests